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Business disruptions in Pukekohe

28 March 2017

AUTHOR:Kevin Birch

Over the last couple of months Wesley Street has been subject to a major reconstruction programme. Initially the Northern lane of the Road was closed to traffic, and now that that has been completed, the Southern lane is closed to traffic. Some businesses on the Northern side of the road reported significant loss of revenue, as there was no longer any parking on Wesley Street and some patronage dropped off. We are fortunate that we have an alternative entrance off Edinburgh Street, and this has enabled businesses to remain open and to continue to provide vehicular access to the business sites. This does not appear to had a major impact on our staff or clients,

We were initially given a timeframe of 1.5 weeks for the closure of our entrance onto Wesley Street, but as time passes by, this is looking less and less achievable. Of course, heavy rainstorms did not help the work programme.

Hopefully by the time this goes to press, we will be back operating as normal.

And with the significant reconstruction undertaken, we are looking for many years of no further road works on Wesley Street!