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Decision on Waikato District plan

21 January 2022

AUTHOR:Kevin Birch

After an eight year process, the decision on the Waikato Proposed District Plan was released on Monday 17th January. A period of 30 working days is provided for any appeals to the Environment Court on these decisions.

A key decision was the addition of significant extra land for urban development around Tuakau, Pokeno, Te Kauwhata, Ngaruawahia and Raglan. On behalf of a number of clients around Pokeno Birch Surveyors investigated land suitable for residential development, and undertook detailed design and commissioned infrastructural reports which supported the expansion of Pokeno. The decision to accept these submissions was well received by our clients.

Also, of significance for the Rural Zone, was the deletion/exclusion of provisions to allow the creation of Conservation Lots, and the Transfer of Lot entitlements from one site to another (Commonly termed TDR’s or Transferable Development Rights). Auckland Council had previously removed Conservation lots from their District Plan, and this decision was overturned by the Environment Court. These decisions are likely to be appealed.

Updates after appeals close will be provided here.